MAP20089000357Mendes, Pedro MThe Risk of not using the right information for pollution and safety management / Pedro M. Mendes. — Liège : EURO : University of Liège, 19948 p. ; 30 cmDonación de AGERS. — Ponencia presentada en "Risk management : 4th mini Euro-Conference : A meeting place for indutries companies and universities", celebrada em Liège, 4 al 6 mayo de 1994, organizada por the European Association of Operational Research Societies y University of LiègeSumario: Governmental decision making concerning pollution and environmental management is based on questionable assumptions and using unreliable information. Contrary to the intention of sustained development, those decision risk to commits to environmental degradation. This is because despite recognizing that the centralized command and control was the regulatory mechanism that led to the massive colapse of the environmental management1. Gerencia de riesgos. 2. Unión Europea. 3. Conferencias. 4. Medio ambiente. 5. Contaminación ambiental. 6. Gestión medioambiental. 7. Documento AGERS. I. European Association of Operational Research Societies. II. University of Liège. III. Mini Euro-Conference (4th: 1994: Liège). IV. Title.