
Role and position of the risk manager in his-her organisation

Role and position of the risk manager in his-her organisation
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Kamp, Bram
Role and position of the risk manager in his-her organisation / Bram Kamp. — Liège : [s.n.], 1994
[15 p.] ; 30 cm.
Donación de AGERS. — Ponencia presentada en la 4th Mini Euro-Conference, celebrada en Liège el día 6 de mayo de 1.994
Sumario: Introduction -- What is risk management? -- Integration -- My survey: role and position of the risk manager -- Roles and tasks: what do these risk managers do? -- R. M. performance indicator -- Quality -- Risk financing -- Insurance companies -- Captives -- Position of the risk manager -- Conclusion -- Anexos
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Financiación de los riesgos . 3. Conferencias . 4. Gerentes de riesgos . 5. Empresas de seguros . 6. Indicadores de gestión . 7. Documento AGERS . I. Mini Euro-Conference (4th: 1994: Liège) . II. Title.