
The UK's nationwide puts its members first

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Ensor, Benjamin
The UK's nationwide puts its members first / Benjamin Ensor [with Bruce D. Temkin and Ashara Giordanelli]. — Cambridge : Forrester Research, Inc., 2007
13 p . — (For Strategy proffesionals)
Sumario: In the late 1990s, the UK¿s Nationwide Building Society faced a challenge, many members were pushing the institution toward demutualization. Nationwide rebuffed this move by improving its customers¿ experience, changing its products, pricing, marketing, and customer relationship management (CRM). In a market where customers are increasingly cynical about and distrustful of financial services providers, Nationwide stands out as a customer advocate that tries to do what¿s best for its customers. Nationwide¿s practices include continuously tracking and acting on customer feedback, using predictive analytics to power service messages, and creating internal marketing campaigns
1. Nationwide Building Society . 2. Atención al cliente . 3. Servicio al cliente . 4. Entidades financieras . 5. Estrategia empresarial . 6. Fidelización de clientes . 7. Casos prácticos . 8. Reino Unido . I. Forrester . II. For Strategy proffesionals . III. Title.