
European growth and jobs monitor 2008

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Section: Electronic documents
Title: European growth and jobs monitor 2008
Publication: Frankfurt : Allianz Dresdner Economic Research, 2008Notes: Sumario: Lisbon and beyond -- The 2008 European growth and jobs monitor: ranking and results ; how the Lisbon indicator is calculated; what's new in the Lisbon Agenda -- Economic growth: the power behind prosperity -- Productivity growth: is it here to stay? -- Employment: the jobs miracle -- Human capital: the education imperative -- Growth-related investment -- Sustainability of public finances -- Conclusion -- Lisbon Indicator tables -- Special report: energy efficiencyMateria / lugar / evento: Política económica Unión Europea Datos macroeconómicos Crecimiento económico Mercado de trabajo Otros autores: Allianz Dresdner Economic Research
Other categories: 921.4