
Firm performance : the interactions of corporate social performance with innovation and industry differentiation

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Section: Articles
Title: Firm performance : the interactions of corporate social performance with innovation and industry differentiation / Clyde Eiríkur Hull and Sandra RothenbergAuthor: Hull, Clyde Eiríkur
Notes: Sumario: This study examines the possibility that corporate social performance enhances financial performance by allowing the firm to differentiate, and that this effect may be moderated both by innovation, which also drives firm differentiation, and the level of differentiation in the industryRelated records: En: Strategic Management Journal. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 1991-2010 = ISSN 0143-2095. - 01/07/2008 Tomo 29 Número 7 - 2008, p. 781-789Materia / lugar / evento: Innovación empresarial Responsabilidad social de la empresa Estrategia corporativa Desarrollo económico Otros autores: Rothenberg, Sandra
Other categories: 922.111
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