
Banking and insurance desktop-laptop buyers and buyer preferences

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Carney, Ellen
Banking and insurance desktop-laptop buyers and buyer preferences / Ellen Carney. — Cambridge : Forrester Research, 2009
From: Enterprise And SMB Hardware Survey, North America And Europe, Q3 2009
Sumario: Nearly half of bankers cite energy efficiency as a high or critical priority -- Nearly half of insurers practice inspired frugality when it comes to keeping hardware in service longer -- When buying PCs, insurers place greater focus on vendor relationship; bankers show more interest in energy consumption -- Nearly all bankers say purchase price and total cost are key to satisfaction when acquiring desktops and laptops -- The majority of banks and insurers purchase desktops/laptops directly from vendors -- IT plays the leading role, and finance and sourcing play supporting roles, when it comes to bank desktop/laptop purchase decisions -- Line-of-business executives and sourcing play more substantial roles in insurance desktop/laptops buys
1. Empresas de seguros . 2. Aplicaciones informáticas . 3. Banca . 4. Compras . 5. Estudios comparativos . 6. Entrevistas . I. Forrester .