
Organizing for social justice : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rigths at Work

Organizing for social justice : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rigths at Work / report of the Director-General. — Geneva : International Labour Office, 2004
International Labour Conference 92nd Session - Report I (B)
Sumario: Freedom of association and collective bargaining: the foundations for democratic development -- From principles to practice: the challenges ahead -- Organizing and bargaining in the global economy -- Encouraging progress: technical cooperation to strengthen and extend freedom of association and collective bargaining
ISBN 92-2-113030-4
1. Libertad de asociación . 2. Negociaciones colectivas . 3. Globalización de la economía . 4. Democracia . 5. Cooperación internacional . 6. Justicia social . I. International Labour Office . II. International Labour Conference (92nd: 2004) .