
5th Chief Risk Officer Assembly : navigating the storm risk management during an economic crisis : 11-12 november 2009, Rüschlikon, Switzerland

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<title>5th Chief Risk Officer Assembly</title>
<subTitle>: navigating the storm risk management during an economic crisis : 11-12 november 2009, Rüschlikon, Switzerland</subTitle>
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<namePart>Chief Risk Assembly 2009 Rüschlikon, Switzerland 5th</namePart>
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<namePart>International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics</namePart>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">5th Chief Risk Officer Assembly Programme -- Still shipworthy? ERM performance through the crisis / Raj Singh -- Where we are sailing? An update on the economic crisis from an Asian insurance perspective / Jeong C. Kim -- Group strategy and risk management: insights and outlook / Axel P. Lehmann -- Changing regulatory environment in the EU / Karel van Hulle -- Fresh winds: risk management with a more activist state / Thomas C. Wilson -- Public-private partnerships in risk management / Edouard Schmid -- Risk reporting / Thomas C. Wilson -- Are lighthouses still important? / Rob Jones -- "Cruising" in a changing risk and regulatory environment / Stefan Lippe -- Sailing around the rocks: managing individual and collective risks: pro-cyclicality / Jim Webber -- Economics of climate adaptation / David N. Bresch -- Sailing around the rocks: storm -flood models / Anselm Smolka -- Introduction to CRO Forum Breakout Session / Jean-Christophe Ménioux -- Internal models admissibility criteria / René Schnieper -- Insurance risk management response to the financial crisis / Philippe Brain</tableOfContents>
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<topic>Gerencia de riesgos</topic>
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<topic>Crisis económica</topic>
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