
The Global innovation 1000 : navigating the digital future : Booz & Company's annual study of R&D spending reveals the tools that are transforming innovation

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<title>Global innovation 1000</title>
<subTitle>: navigating the digital future : Booz & Company's annual study of R&D spending reveals the tools that are transforming innovation</subTitle>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">After two years of close to 10 percent growth following the worldwide economic downturn, R&D spending among the Global Innovation 1000 increased by just 5.8 percent this year. This is in line with the average annual growth rate since 2002 of 5.5 percent, marking a return to business as usual. Still, two-thirds of the companies in our 2013 study increased their R&D spending, contributing to a total amount spent of US$638 billiona $35 billion increase over 2012. (Data for the 2013 reporting period was gathered between July 2012 and June 2013. For more details, see Methodology, page 44.) Because the group¿s total revenues increased by a mere 0.9 percent, to $17.7 trillion, R&D intensityinnovation spending as a percentage of revenuesrose two-tenths of a percent, reaching the highest R&D intensity level since 2010</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">Barry Jaruzelski, John Loehr, Richard Holman</note>
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<partNumber>issue 73, Winter 2013</partNumber>
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