
Agricultural insurance

Section: Books
Title: Agricultural insurance / Ramiro IturriozAuthor: Iturrioz, Ramiro
Publication: Washington, DC : The World Bank, 2009Notes: Sumario: Agricultural production faces a myriad of risks. Nevertheless, two major risks are of concern to the agricultural sector-price risk caused by potential volatility in prices and production risk resulting from uncertainty about the levels of production that primary producers can achieve from their current activities. It is likely that these major risks will increase in the future-price risk dueto liberalization of trade and production risk caused by the effects of climate change. The trend towards agricultural specialization is likely to continue which will increase these risks as producers rely on the production of a smaller range of crops and consequently cannot diversify risks as effectivelyMateria / lugar / evento: Seguros agrarios Producción agraria Gerencia de riesgos Mercado de seguros India México Mongolia Otros autores: World Bank
Other categories: 329
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signature: MAP - 329 ITU AGR — Record number: 051353
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