
An Up-date of key legal issues for non Spanish insurances companies in Spain

An Up-date of key legal issues for non Spanish insurances companies in Spain. — Madrid : Legse-Abogados, 2015
Sumario: New withholdings rates (Ley 26/2014, de 27 de noviembre and Real Decreto-ley 9/2015, de 10 de julio) - Anti-money laundering (AML) for insurances companies operating in FoS in Spain - Special tax treatment for the Basque Country and Navarra - New rules for the tax representation of insurance companies in freedom of services regime in Spain - Calculation of the expected profitability of the Life Insurance policies - Ongoing obligations regarding lives assured/protecting beneficiaries - Unit linked products/Pooled option - Other developments that are/shall be applicable
1. Seguro de vida . 2. Blanqueo de capitales . 3. Unit-Linked . 4. Planes de previsión . 5. Legislación de seguros . 6. Impuesto sobre la renta de no residentes . 7. España .