
Making sense of cyber insurance : a guide for SMEs

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<title>Making sense of cyber insurance</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">The insurance industry is playing a key role in supporting businesses of all sizes to both improve their resilience to cyber-attacks and to help them recover if the worst should occur. This guide sets out key features of cyber insurance policies to look for when you are seeking to insure your business. As you explore the protection afforded by cyber insurance it is also important to make sure your business is taking appropriate steps to manage the cyber risks that it faces. Checking the suitability of firewalls, updating malware protection  and briefing staff on cyber security best practice are all good first steps; for a useful self-review and further advice, the Government¿s Cyber Essentials scheme is a great place to start</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">Association of  British Insurers</note>
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<topic>Seguro de protección de datos</topic>
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