
IoT healthcare market : Global Forecast to 2020 : by components (medical device, system and software, service, and connectivity technology), application (telemedicine, workflow management,...

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<title>IoT healthcare market</title>
<subTitle>: Global Forecast to 2020 : by components (medical device, system and software, service, and connectivity technology), application (telemedicine, workflow management, connected imaging, medication management), end-user</subTitle>
<placeTerm type="code" authority="marccountry">usa</placeTerm>
<dateIssued encoding="marc">2016</dateIssued>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">The complete IoT healthcare market analysis consists of evaluating types of medical devices, systems and software, connectivity technologies, services, applications, various end-users, and regions. The healthcare landscape is changing drastically and many organizations are seeking improvements amidst the evolution. To manage efficiency, accuracy, and patient safety, organizations need real-time visibility and intelligence into their data, such as patient records, specimens, medications, and supply inventories. The increasing business demand to enhance operation efficiency and improved patient care will make IoT a dominant model for healthcare industry in the future. This chapter consists of the drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges that exist in the IoT healthcare market. Reduced cost of care, improved healthcare outcomes, and evolution of high speed networking technologies are the growth factors of the IoT healthcare market. Innovative connected medical devices, IoT solutions, and connectivity technologies are the key trends observed in this market. The key market players are Medtronic, Inc., Cisco Systems, IBM Corporation, Philips, and GE Healthcare.</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">MarketsandMarkets</note>
<note>Report code: TC 3847</note>
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<topic>Internet de las cosas</topic>
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