
Predictions 2018 : a year of reckoning

Predictions 2018 : a year of reckoning. — Cambridge, Ma. : Forrester, 2017
16 p.
Sumario: Forrester's 2018 predictions describe the market dynamics that favor those taking aggressive action and create existential risk for those still holding on to what has worked before. 2018 will force decisive action for firms looking to: 1. Take control of their destiny as platforms like Amazon and Google drive up disintermediation risk and make some companies unintentional utilities. 2. Shift spend away from acquisition to confront escalating churn. 3. Revitalize customer experience in a market where rewards and punishments are doled out experience by experience. 4. Transition to digital companies while maintaining their corporate identity and soul
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Empresas de reaseguros . 3. Ratios de gestión . 4. Perspectivas del seguro . 5. Transformación digital . 6. Medios de comunicación . 7. Predicciones . 8. Blockchain . 9. Tecnología Inteligente de Seguridad .