
Smart city resilience : digitally empowering cities to survive, adapt, and thrive

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Section: Electronic documents
Title: Smart city resilience : digitally empowering cities to survive, adapt, and thrive / Paul NicholasAuthor: Nicholas, Paul
Publication: New York : McKinsey & Company, 2017Notes: Sumario: City leaders around the world are abuzz with the profound potential of incorporating smart technologies into everything from their transport infrastructure to water systems to power supply and, of course, to government services. Indeed, smart cities are beginning to come to life in various forms. However, as cities increase their digital dependency, their potential information and communications technology (ICT) attack surface expands dramatically. Cities might be smarter, but without a thorough understanding of cyber resilience, physical and digital crises could be more severe and disruption more sustained than ever before. Materia / lugar / evento: Smart cities Ciudades sostenibles Infraestructuras viarias Sostenibilidad Resiliencia Servicios Avanzados de Telecomunicaciones Tecnologías inteligentes Otros autores: McKinsey & Company
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