
Solvency II : available capital assisted by unit-linked and non-life

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Solvency II : available capital assisted by unit-linked and non-life / A.M. Best Company. — London : A.M. Best Company, 2018
9 p.
Sumario: The objective of this research is to cast light on the nature of aspects of SII public reporting, and in particular, how SII quantitative reporting compares to accounting data which, along with non-public information, provides most of the input into the Best's Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR) model, the tool A.M. Best uses to assess insurers' risk-adjusted capitalisation. However, the report cannot be comprehensive given the breadth of the subject and A.M. Best expects European capital regulation to be a recurrent subject of research
1. Legislación de seguros . 2. Solvencia II . 3. Mercado de seguros . 4. Seguro de vida . 5. Seguros no vida . 6. Unit-Linked . 7. Información financiera . 8. Empresas de seguros . 9. Capitalización . 10. Administración de la empresa de seguros . 11. Unión Europea . I. A.M. Best Company . II. Title.