
Directory of pressure groups in the EU

Directory of pressure groups in the EU / edited by Alan Butt Philip & Oliver Gray. — 2º ed. — London : Cartermill, cop. 1996
569 p. ; 25 cm
Sumario: The European Commission -- The Council of Ministers -- The European Council -- The European Parliament -- The Court of Justice -- Other Institution -- Descentralised Community Agencies -- Committees -- Lobbing the EU: a developing profession -- Voluntary code of conduct for public affairs consultants -- Location of the EU institutions -- Committees of the European Parliment
1. Unión Europea . 2. Instituciones comunitarias . 3. Lobbys . 4. Directorios . I. Philip, Alan Butt, ed lit. . II. Gray, Oliver, ed. lit. . III. Title.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signature: IEE - 015-DIR-DIR — Record number: 023692
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