MAP20200014874Boata, AnaEurope should unlock excess saving from COVID-19 response / Ana Boata, Arne Holzhausen, Ludovic Subran. — Paris ; Munich : Euler Hermes : Allianz, 20203 p.
. — (Allianz Research)Sumario: We estimate that in Europe, household saving rotes could increase by as much as +20pp to 36% on average in Q2 2020. This means EUR1.3tn of additional savings, or 10% of GDP. Total savings could peak at EUR2.3tn. In 2009, sovings in the EU28 jumped by EUR100bn, wíth o total of EUR1.ltn of total savings (annualized) seen ot the trough of the crisis. 1. COVID-19. 2. Pandemias. 3. Consumo. 4. Ahorro financiero familiar. 5. Perspectivas económicas. 6. Recesión económica. 7. Interrupción de negocio. 8. Desempleo. 9. Europa. I. Holzhausen, Arne. II. Subran, Ludovic. III. Euler Hermes. IV. Allianz. V. Title.