MAP20200017936Voice of the CFO-navigate through uncertainties : Euler Hermes Asia Pacific CFO survey report Q1 2020. — Paris ; Munich : Euler Hermes : Allianz, 202012 p.Sumario: Our survey was designed to find out how companies fare under economic uncertainty. We found that the top risk mitigation tool employed by respondents was minimizing exposure to less creditworthy customers (36%), which essentially meant compromising sales revenue. We also found that a compelling percentage of respondents have experienced different levels of unpaid receivables (73%) and delayed payments (82%) over the past three years. A wake up call for more prudent and targeted cash flow and risk mitigating measures1. COVID-19. 2. Pandemias. 3. Coyuntura económica. 4. Perspectivas económicas. 5. Minimización de riesgos. 6. Crecimiento económico. 7. Estrategia empresarial. 8. Interrupción de negocio. 9. Directores financieros. 10. Encuestas. 11. Asia. I. Euler Hermes. II. Allianz. III. Title.