MAP20200018438 Wengorovius Meneses, João Climate emergency : a call to action / João Wengorovius Meneses Sumario: The recent Emissions Gap Report, presented by the United Nations Environment Programme, warns that unless global greenhouse gas emissions reduce by around 7.6% per year between 2020 and 2030, the world will fall short of the Paris Accord commitment, which is to limit the average global temperature increase to 1.5°C. A huge effort is needed around five times more to achieve this, particularly as despite several international commitments and growing public awareness, new greenhouse gas emission records were set in 2018 and 2019 followed this trend En: FullCover : seguros & risco. - Lisboa : MDS Consultores de Seguros e Risco. - 01/05/2020 Número 13 - mayo 2020 , p. 60-63 1. Cambio climático . 2. Medio ambiente . 3. Emisiones contaminantes . 4. Emisión de gases . 5. Efecto invernadero . 6. Impacto ambiental . I. Title.