
A Guide to building the future-ready insurer

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<title>Guide to building the future-ready insurer</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">In insurance, as in other industries, there is a perennial tension between the needs of the future, the demands of the present and the influence of the past. Fundamental change carries risk. Legacy systems cannot simply be switched off. Organisational culture, values and behaviours which have evolved over generations cannot pivot overnight. In this paper we'll explore routes to future readiness and uncover the building blocks of success. Focusing on value alignment in the business model, mindset, culture, leadership, data, processes, technology and partnerships. Insurers are long past asking, "should we change?". The question now is very much "how do we change?". To be more specific: how to embrace the future and upskill people, processes and technology to be fit for purpose, whilst also protecting the current book of business? To find answers to this central question, Insurtech Insights was fortunate to spend time with eight of some of the best and brightest leaders in our industry.</abstract>
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<topic>Mercado de seguros</topic>
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<topic>Perspectivas del seguro</topic>
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