
Intelligent Insurer review. May-June 2022 : seize the opportunity : bullish times but challenges ahead : special MGA report

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<title>Intelligent Insurer review. May-June 2022</title>
<subTitle>: seize the opportunity : bullish times but challenges ahead : special  MGA report</subTitle>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Inflationary impact hits industry -- Argo finds boring is good for strategy': Gary Grose -- Inflation to hit Lloyd's 2022 market growth plans -- London Market panel: cyber: Black swan fears suppress cyber appetite -- London market panel: renewables: renewables in a different place by end of year' -- MS Amlin Underwriting: a return to profit -- Climate change: weighing up the question of insurability; Why nat cat models are still missing climate change; Reduced time and location data veils model opportunities -- War in Ukraine: renewables losses will catch re/insurers by surprise' -- MGA Special Report -- Acrisure reveals formula for M&A success -- Amwins doesn't expect a soft market -- Cyber: What's delaying take-up of LMA cyber war exclusions?; Why insurance is the deal-maker for crypto growth -- Verisk's new CEO on opportunities and pain points'</tableOfContents>
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<title>Intelligent Insurer review</title>
<publisher>Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth [United Kingdom] : Newton Media Limited, 2009-2023</publisher>
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<text>29/06/2022 Number 3 - May-June 2022 </text>
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