
Rise of the relatable organization : global talent trends 2022-2023

Rise of the relatable organization : global talent trends 2022-2023. — Warsaw : Mercer, 2023
88 p.
Reset for relevance: attract and engage talent by reflecting their values Adapt to a new work operating system -- Work in partnership: foster a partnership mindset partner equitably and individualize rewards -- Deliver on total well-being: engage the whole person to drive sustainability Nudge healthy behaviors -- Build for employability: secure the future with skills Build pathways to prosperity -- Harness collective energy: design human-centric work experiences Build a relatable People function
1. Gestión de recursos humanos . 2. Directivos de empresas . 3. Gestión del talento . 4. Estrategia empresarial . 5. Diseño de organizaciones . 6. Tendencias . 7. Talento . I. Mercer Investment Consulting . II. Title.