
1st View : continuing discipline. July 2023

1st View : continuing discipline. July 2023. — New York : Gallagher Re, 2023
15 p.
Sumario: This thrice yearly publication delivers the first view on current market conditions at the key reinsurance renewal seasons: January 1, April 1 and July 1 based on the real time observations of Gallagher Re's brokers working across all territories and classes covered in this document
1. Reaseguro . 2. Mercado de reaseguros . 3. Seguro de daños patrimoniales . 4. Seguros de vida riesgo . 5. Casualty . 6. Property . 7. Seguros . 8. Seguro de aviación . 9. Seguro de ciberriesgos . 10. Seguro marítimo . I. Gallagher Re . II. Title.