
Geopolitical resilience : the new board imperative

Haider, Ziad
Geopolitical resilience : the new board imperative / by Ziad Haider, Jon Huntsman Jr., and Chris Leech. — New York : McKinsey & Company, 2023
6 p.
Geopolitical risk is at the top of the CEO agenda. Board members can help by sharpening their understanding of the geopolitical context, monitoring developments, and exercising oversight over the controls to mitigate these risks
Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Riesgos geopolíticos . 3. Análisis de riesgos . 4. Directivos de empresas . 5. Resiliencia . 6. Reducción de riesgos . 7. Supervisión de seguros . I. Huntsman Jr, Jon . II. Leech, Chris . III. McKinsey & Company . IV. Title.