
Global economy not out of the woods yet : alternative scenarios for re/insurers

Garbers, Hendre
Global economy not out of the woods yet : alternative scenarios for re/insurers / Hendre Garbers, Ayush Uchil. — Zurich : Swiss Re, 2023
(Economic Insights)
Sumario: Economic uncertainty is high, with recession and inflation risks still elevated. In this environment, a "severe global recession" and "1970s style stagflation" are two key alternative scenarios that insurers should think about. Each pose distinct challenges, the former around balance sheet strength and solvency concerns, and the latter around underwriting performance. Valid to both scenarios is that mitigation responses can involve long lead times
1. Datos macroeconómicos . 2. Mercado de seguros . 3. Recesión económica . 4. Perspectivas económicas . 5. Incertidumbre . 6. Solvencia . I. Uchil, Ayush . II. Swiss Re . III. Title.