
Basel III and standardised approaches to capital : analysis of ORX global banking data in response to regulatory reforms

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Basel III and standardised approaches to capital : analysis of ORX global banking data in response to regulatory reforms. — Bath, Banes : ORX, 2023
15 p.
Sumario: It is thus a useful time to use the 21 years of ORX global banking loss data to analyse the standardised approaches for regulatory capital that have been available over this period and compare to various implementations of the new Standardised Approach. The Basel II standardised approach (TSA) was based on weights which related to the expected riskiness of Basel different business lines. Operational risk was in its infancy when the method was defined, and the weights were based on limited insight. This report analyses the relative riskiness of business lines based on 21 years of operational loss data. Where possible, we provide a regional view of some of the results. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Basilea III . 2. Banca . 3. Regulación . 4. Riesgo operacional . 5. Control de pérdidas . 6. Gerencia de riesgos . 7. Análisis de riesgos . I. ORX . II. Title.