
Market segment outlook : Indonesia non-life insurance

Market segment outlook : Indonesia non-life insurance. — Oldwick [etc.] : AM Best Company, 2023
5 p. . — (Best´s Market Segment Report)
Sumario: AM Best is maintaining its Negative outlook on the Indonesia non-life insurance segment. Key factors underpinning the outlook include the heightened reinsurance counterparty credit risk for non-life insurers, potential pressure on underwriting margins owing to the rising cost of reinsurance and more restrictive reinsurance coverage terms, ongoing volatility affecting the underwriting margins and headwinds in key lines of business
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Seguros no vida . 3. Empresas de seguros . 4. Reaseguro . 5. Riesgo crediticio . 6. Perspectivas del seguro . 7. Evolución del seguro . 8. Indonesia . I. A.M. Best Company . II. Title.