
Yearbook 2023/24

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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">AI, the new frontier opportunities and challenges. Artificial intelligence is the future for all industries - especially scholarly publishing / Darrell Gunter -- How should we approach the AI revolution? /Cait Cullen asks: is artificial intelligence a threat to integrity or the herald of new opportunities? -- Spirit, mission and community. Research Information/ Mandy Hill, Managing -- All Things Must Pass/Andrew Barker and Elaine Sykes --  Up for a challenge? Stephanie  -- Searching for the right ebook business models/ David Stuart --  Sponsored: Publishing platforms. A round-up of the digital solutions available to help publishers and authors evaluate and disseminate their content -- For African research to thrive, Africans must be in charge /Ed Gerstner -- Supporting open science in the Arab world /Emily Choynowski --  Caribbean regional publishing: value, access and inclusivity /Nadine D. Buckland -- Supporting mission-driven publishing amid unprecedented challenges /Peter Potter Why preprint review  is the way forward/ Damian Pattinson and Emily Packer--  Who's afraid of open infrastructures? Joanna Ball, Yvonne Campfens and Tasha Mellins-Cohen -- UX: simplification and matching  customers' expectations/ Dan Mayers -- 2023 JCRs 'redefine trust and impact'/ Nandita Quaderi -- 'Born in India, but for the world'/ Vivek Mehra -- Suppliers' directory</abstract>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080571344">
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<topic>Inteligencia artificial</topic>
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<topic>Modelos de negocio</topic>
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<topic>Libros electrónicos</topic>
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<title>Research Information : the essential link between academic publishers and librarians</title>
<publisher>Cambridge : Europa Science Ltd</publisher>
<identifier type="issn">1744-8026</identifier>
<identifier type="local">MAP20150025081</identifier>
<text>18/09/2023 Yearbook - 2023/24 , 42 p.</text>
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