
Emerging markets global 2024 Outlook : slow growth but improving financial conditions stabilise outlook

Emerging markets global 2024 Outlook : slow growth but improving financial conditions stabilise outlook. — Boston [etc.] : Moody's Investors service, 2023
Sumario: Weak but improving credit conditions point to a more stable outlook for emerging markets (EMs) in 2024. Loosening financial conditions will bring gradual relief but higher for longer interest rates combined with sluggish growth and persistent inflationary
pressures will still hurt weaker borrowers. While economic considerations will dominate, structural shifts, reform and regulation and polarization will all shape credit outcomes
1. Mercados financieros . 2. Mercados emergentes . 3. Entidades financieras . 4. Inflación . 5. Tipos de interés . 6. Perspectivas económicas . I. Moody's Investors Service . II. Title.