
2024 Climate and catastrophe insight

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2024 Climate and catastrophe insight. — London : AON, 2024
118 p.
Sumario: Climate change is tied to tangible risks where the impact is immediate and measurable: business interruption, material scarcity, supply chain issues, and reputation damage. Regulators around the world are demanding action, reporting, and transparency.
The uncertainty of investing in emerging markets and technologies can be an obstacle, especially in an increasingly volatile economy. Organizations in all sectors will need to protect their people and physical assets, reduce their carbon footprint, and invest in new solutions to thrive. Mitigating physical risks is a critical first step. For sustainable growth, companies must also reduce the costs of the net-zero transition and de-risk climate-related investments connecting capital to opportunities
1. Riesgos meteorológicos . 2. Catástrofes naturales . 3. Meteorología . 4. Cambio climático . 5. Análisis de riesgos . 6. Desarrollo sostenible . I. AON Company . II. Title.