
IUMI's 2023 analysis of the global marine insurance market

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IUMI's 2023 analysis of the global marine insurance market. — Hamburg : International Union of Marine Insurance, 2023
44 p. . — (IUMI Stats 2023)
Sumario: his report presents data on the global marine insurance market set in the context of world economic performance, trade and the shipping industry.
UMI represents 43 national and regional marine market insurance and reinsurance associations. The Facts & Figures Committee compiles and analyses data submitted by national insurance associations and cooperates with other data providers
. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Seguro marítimo . 2. Desarrollo económico . 3. Estadísticas . 4. Sector marítimo . 5. Perspectivas del seguro . I. IUMI . II. Title.