
How CEOs can mitigate compounding risks

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Charan, Ram
How CEOs can mitigate compounding risks / by Ram Charan, Celia Huber, and Ophelia Usher. — New York : McKinsey & Company, 2024
5 p. . — (Consumer Packaged Goods Practice)
Sumario: When risks combine, the cumulative impact can have existential consequences. But leaders can prevent compounding risks from sneaking up on them by adapting risk processes to manage multiple threats
1. Riesgo corporativo . 2. Riesgos . 3. Directivos de empresas . 4. Estrategia corporativa . 5. Accionistas . 6. Empresas . 7. Gerencia de riesgos . I. Huber, Celia . II. Usher, Ophelia . III. McKinsey & Company . IV. Title.