Section: BooksTitle: Actes de la Conference : troisieme Conference Européene des Services de Contrôle des Assurances, Rome 1-5 octubre 1956 / Ministerio dell'Industria e del ComercioAuthor: Conference europeene des Services de Contrôle des Assurances (3ª: 1956: Rome)Publication: Roma : Ministero dell'Industria e del Commercio, Ispetorato delle Assicuracioni Private, Segretariato - Archivio permanente della Conferenza, 1956Physical description: 994 p. ; 22 cmNotes: Pertenece al fondo donado por D. Ernesto CaballeroOrganisation de la conference -- Resume des travaux de la deuxieme et de la troisieme conference -- Deroulement des travaux -- Actes relatifs aux subjets discutes --Resume des deliberations du comite executif et d'organisation de la troisieme conference -- Organization of the conference -- Summary of the works of the second and of the third conference -- Procedings of the conference -- Records of the subjets discussed -- Summary of the resolutions of the executive and organizing committee of the third conference Materia / lugar / evento: Seguro de responsabilidad civilControl de segurosEuropaOther categories: 10Rights: In Copyright (InC)Referencias externas: