
Markets for art, 1400-1800 : proceedings Twelfth International Economic History Congress. Madrid, August 1998

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<title>Markets for art, 1400-1800</title>
<subTitle>: proceedings Twelfth International Economic History Congress. Madrid, August 1998</subTitle>
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<namePart>International Economic History Congress Madrid 1998 20º</namePart>
<name type="personal" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080270384">
<namePart>Núñez, Clara Eugenia</namePart>
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<namePart>Universidad de Sevilla</namePart>
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<namePart>Fundación El Monte</namePart>
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<namePart>Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo</namePart>
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<namePart>Fundación Fomento de la Historia Económica</namePart>
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<placeTerm type="text">Sevilla</placeTerm>
<publisher>Universidad de Sevilla</publisher>
<publisher>Fundación EL MONTE</publisher>
<publisher>Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo</publisher>
<publisher>Fundación Fomento de la Historia Económica</publisher>
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<extent>186 p. 24 cm</extent>
<abstract>Arts and its markets -- Production and market of 15th-century Flemish Manuscripts -- Some aspect of the origins of the art market in 15th-century Bruges -- Is art a barometer for Wealth? Medieval art export to the far north of Europe -- The demand for arts an Italian Renaissance Court: the case of d'Este of Ferrara (1471-1560) -- Le marché de l'art à Rome aux XVIe et XVIIe siécles -- Trading with art and curiosities in southern Germany before the Thirty years war -- pricing the unpriced. How Dutch 17th-century painters determined the selling price of their work? -- Dealer-dealer pricing in the 17th-century antwerp-Paris art trade -- Les inventaries après décès, les ventes publiques et le marché de lárt à Paris au XVII è siécle -- Art auctions in Germany during the 18th century -- Commerce and the commodity. Graphic display and selling new consumer goods in 18th century England -- Intrigue, jewellery and economics: court culture and display in England and France in the 1780</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">Clara Eugenia Núñez</note>
<subject authority="lcshac" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080566708">
<topic>Obras de arte</topic>
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<classification authority="">921.2</classification>
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<relatedItem type="series" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080525828">
<title>Ciencias económicas y empresariales</title>
<identifier type="isbn">84-472-0440-5</identifier>
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