
How to finance reinsurance

How to finance reinsurance
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Section: AGERS
Title: How to finance reinsurance / Nick JonesAuthor: Jones, Nick
Publication: London : The Winchester Group, 1999Physical description: 3 p. ; 30 cmNotes: Donación de AGERSPonencia publicada en "Global reinsurance : Monte Carlo 9th-14th september : Baden Baden 21st-25th octoberIt is more than likely that the years from 1975 to 2000 will be compared by economic historians with the period of liberalization in the mid-nineteenth century. They will identify deregulation and freedom of competition as well as a shift from protected producers to sovereign consumers - in fact, an era when the foundations of the world's leading industries were revolutionised. We are all familiar with the profound effects from the liberalization in aviation and communications, besides witnessing successive governments turn over the ownership and managements of nationalised industries to the private sector. As the millennium approaches, the same process is going on in financial services - and especially in the sectors involving risk such as reinsurance, insurance and bankingMateria / lugar / evento: Gerencia de riesgos Mercado de seguros Empresas de seguros Reaseguro Compañías cautivas Estados Unidos Financiación de los riesgos Grandes riesgos Conferencias Documento AGERS Otros autores: The Winchester Group
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