
An Improved instrument for the in vivo detection of lead in bone

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Gordon, C.L.
An Improved instrument for the in vivo detection of lead in bone / C.L. Gordon, D.R. Chettle, C.E. Webber
Sumario: An improved instrument for the fluorescence excitation measurement of concentrations of lead in bone has been developed. This is based on a large area high purity germanium detector and a point source of cadmium. The source is positioned in a tungsten shield at the centre of the detector face such that 88keV photons cannot enter the detector directly. In vivo measurements are calibrated with plaster of Paris phantoms. This will allow studies of the natural history of non-occupational lead accumulation in normal subjects and should permit investigations in subjects poisoned with lead
En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 7, July 1993 ; p. 637-641
1. Medicina . 2. Nuevas tecnologías . 3. Terapéutica . 4. Traumatología . I. Chettle, D.R. . II. Webber, C.E. . III. Title. IV. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.