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MAP20071016947Pernicious anaemia in the textile industry / Eve Roman... [et al.]Sumario: This article describe an analysis of the occupations and the causes of death in textile and clothing workers who died in England and Wales in the years surrounding the decennial censures of 1961,1971, and 1981. The aim was to assess whether any specific anaemia types were associated with any particular occupational activities within the textile and cloting industriesEn: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 5, Mai 1991 ; p. 348-3521. Medicina laboral. 2. Enfermedades profesionales. 3. Epidemiología. 4. Industria textil. 5. Mortalidad. 6. Anemia perniciosa. 7. Gran Bretaña. I. Roman, Eve. II. Title. III. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.