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MAP20071016983Espir, MichaelOccupational aspects of epilepsy in the civil service / Michael Espir, Michael Floyd, John ChaplinSumario: The aim of this study is to examine the factors relevant to the health, safety, and performance at work of civil servants with epilepsy, whose medical and personnel files are available to the Civil Service Occupational Health Service (CSOHS). The three key factors on wich the study is concentrated are medical, employment, and socialEn: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 10, October 1991 ; p. 665-6691. Medicina laboral. 2. Neurología. 3. Epilepsia. 4. Casos prácticos. 5. Medicina preventiva. 6. Tratamiento médico. I. Floyd, Michael. II. Chaplin, John. III. Title. IV. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.