
Recent trends in bagassosis in Japan

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Section: Articles
Title: Recent trends in bagassosis in Japan / Atsushi Ueda... [et al.]
Notes: Sumario: The purpose of the present study wsa to clarify the recent trend for bagassosis among workers engaged in occupations related to sugar refining and bagasse handling industries and to investigate the present condition of those patients who were diagnosed as having bagassosis at the last outbreakRelated records: En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 7, July 1992 ; p. 499-506Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Vías respiratorias Bagazosis Industria azucarera Japón Otros autores: Ueda, Atsushi
Secondary titles: Título: British journal of industrial medicine
Other categories: 873