
Volumetric method for the determination of carbon disulphide in air using personal sampling and adsorption by active charcoal

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Waldman, Michael
Volumetric method for the determination of carbon disulphide in air using personal sampling and adsorption by active charcoal / Michael Waldman and Miloslav Vanecek
Sumario: In this work it is used for blunting the alkalinity of xanthogenate solutions a concentrated acetic buffer in which the course of catalysed reaction of iodine with azide is well reproducible. For the desorption of CS2 from active charcoal they are worked out a procedure based on washing the column of active charcoal with a water-alcohol solution of lye directly in the tube. The information gained with these procedures is reported
En: The Annals of occupational hygiene. - Oxford [etc.]. - nº 1, 1982 ; p. 5-15
1. Higiene industrial . 2. Contaminantes químicos . 3. Disulfuro de carbono . 4. Contaminación atmosférica . 5. Control de contaminantes . 6. Métodos de análisis . I. Vanecek, Miloslav . II. Title. III. Título: The Annals of occupational hygiene.