
The Percutaneous absorption of triarylmethane and phenoxazine type colour former components of carbonless copy papers

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The Percutaneous absorption of triarylmethane and phenoxazine type colour former components of carbonless copy papers / B.D. Cameron... [et al.]
Sumario: The percutaneous absorption of carbon-14 labelled colour former components of carbonless copying papers has been investigated in the rat as a model for assessein possible absorption of these components by human users of such papers. The radio-labelled colour formers were applied in a formulation which in commercial use is encapsulated prior to coating onto paper. A triarylmethane and a phenoxazine were absorbed to the extent of only 2.6-3.4% and 1.0-2.1% of the applied dose respectively during a 96 h period. The results, if extrapolated to man, suggest that during normal handling of carbonless copy paper the percutaneous absorption of these compounds should not be significant
En: The Annals of occupational hygiene. - Oxford [etc.]. - nº 1, 1986 ; p. 115-122
1. Higiene industrial . 2. Contaminantes químicos . 3. Papel carbón . 4. Experimentos . 5. Riesgo laboral . 6. Sustancias tóxicas y peligrosas . I. Cameron, B.D. . II. Title. III. Título: The Annals of occupational hygiene.