
Solving the problem of unsafe surfaces begins with selecting correct flooring

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Solving the problem of unsafe surfaces begins with selecting correct flooring
Sumario: Wheter involved in new construction or replacing old flooring, much can be done at the outset to eliminate the problem of injuries due to slips and falls. This article includes floorings and their finishes inside a building: concrete, terrazzo, marble, granite, quarry tile, ceramic; wood planks, blocks, or tongue-and-grove flooring; plates; asphalt tile; linoleum; ruber tile; plastic tile; cork tile; mastic
En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol. 122, nº 2, August 1980 ; p. 53-55
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Accidentes de trabajo . 3. Prevención de accidentes . 4. Caídas . 5. Deslizamientos . 6. Suelos . 7. Revestimientos . 8. Materiales de construcción . I. Title. II. Título: National safety news.