
Can companies control health hazards?

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Section: Articles
Title: Can companies control health hazards? / by James W. LaheyAuthor: Lahey, James W.
Notes: Sumario: Some companies are now trying to restrict smoking for the sake of employee health. Employee smoking is usually banned in high fire hazard areas. Some states have passed legislation that enables companies to enforce "no smoking" rules elsewhere on the job. And now there is increased agitation against smoking for health reasons of non-smokersRelated records: En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol. 129, nº 6, June 1984 ; p. 62-65Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Medicina preventiva Prevención de accidentes Riesgo laboral Tabaquismo Educación preventiva Programas Secondary titles: Título: National safety news
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