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MAP20071019169Bensel, Carolyn K.The Effects of various thicknesses of chemical protective gloves on manual dexterity / Carolyn K. BenselSumario: This study was conducted to determine the effects on manual dexterity of the thickness of handcovering. Twelve men were timed as they performed five dexterity tests while barehanded and while wearing each of three thicknesses of chemical protective gloves. The findings suggest that selection of the thinnest glove material compatible with protection from the chemical environment and practice working with the handwear will result in relatively efficient manual performanceEn: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 36, nº 6, June 1993 ; p. 687-6961. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo. 2. Equipos de protección individual. 3. Guantes de protección. 4. Ergonomía. 5. Contaminantes químicos. 6. Riesgo químico. 7. Riesgo laboral. I. Title. II. Título: Ergonomics.