
The Effects of alcohol on learning as a function of drinking habits

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Salamé, Pierre
The Effects of alcohol on learning as a function of drinking habits / Pierre Salamé
Sumario: The present experiment examined two main hyphotheses: since the immediate effect of alcohol would be to slow down information processing, it would impair learning, regadless of drinking history; and heavy social drinking would induce a slowing of information processing before reaching the state of chronic alcoholism, hence learning in HSD subjects would be slower than in LSD subjects
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 34, nº 9, September 1991 ; p. 1231-1241
1. Ergonomía . 2. Alcohol . 3. Alcoholemia . 4. Psicología . 5. Psicosociología de la prevención . 6. Carga mental . 7. Memorización . 8. Cognición . 9. Métodos de análisis . I. Title. II. Título: Ergonomics.