
Capture of moving targets : a modification of Fitts' Law

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Hoffmann, Errol R.
Capture of moving targets : a modification of Fitts' Law / Errol R. Hoffmann
Sumario: A simple mathematical model for capture time of a moving target was developed. The model, in several forms, was tested with the experimental data of Jagacinski... [et al.] (1980a) for both position and velocity control systems and was found to give an excellent fit. The major modification to Fitts' Law with a moving target occurs through a steady-state position error which reduces the effective target width
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 34, nº 2, February 1991 ; p. 211-220
1. Ergonomía . 2. Ecuaciones matemáticas . 3. Ley de Fitts . 4. Aparato locomotor . 5. Sistemas de control . 6. Velocidad . 7. Posiciones de trabajo . I. Title. II. Título: Ergonomics.