
Drivers'awareness of traffic sign information

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MacDonald, Wendy A.
Drivers'awareness of traffic sign information / Wendy A. MacDonald and Errol R. Hoffmann
Sumario: Field and laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate drivers' levels of awareness of traffic sign information under normal driving conditions, and to validate the laboratory technique. The reliability and sensitivity of the experimetal measure were sufficient to show significant effects of factors such as sign action potential, traffic density, type of sign, sign background complexity and sign conspicuity; the dominant factor was sign action potential
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 34, nº 5, May 1991 ; p. 585-612
1. Ergonomía . 2. Seguridad vial . 3. Señales indicativas . 4. Señalización . 5. Diseño . I. Hoffmann, Errol R. . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.