
A Three-dimensional ultrasonic system for posture measurement

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Hsiao, Hongwei
A Three-dimensional ultrasonic system for posture measurement / Hongwei Hsiao and W. Monroe Keyserling
Sumario: A time-efficient, cost-effective, and accurate system has been developed for measuring static three-dimensional joint coordinates in the laboratory. In order to provide a three-dimensional description of body posture, it is necessary to measure the location of major joints and the angles between adjacent body segments. Several approaches for measuring three-dimensional posture have been previously developed, including goniometry, photogrammetry, optoelectric analysis, video analysis, optomechanic analysis, and sonic analysis. These methods are discussed below
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 33, nº 9, September 1990 ; p. 1089-1114
1. Ergonomía . 2. Postura . 3. Extremidades superiores . 4. Lesiones musculares . 5. Instrumentos de medida . 6. Ultrasonidos . 7. Métodos de análisis . I. Keyserling, W. Monroe . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.