
The Effect of posture on the responses to cycle ergometer exercise

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Section: Articles
Title: The Effect of posture on the responses to cycle ergometer exercise / M.J.T. Begemann-Meijer and R.A. BinkhorstAuthor: Begemann-Meijer, M.J.T.
Notes: Sumario: Nine male subjects performed submaximal and maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer while sitting on the saddle or on a chair behind the cycle ergometer with the legs horizontal. Data for oxigen uptake, respiratory variables, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure during exercise showed that there are no essential differences between these two positionsRelated records: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 32, nº 6, June 1989 ; p. 639-643Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Ergonometría Fisiología Ejercicio físico Postura Consumo de oxígeno Vías respiratorias Frecuencia cardíaca Otros autores: Binkhorst, R.A.
Secondary titles: Título: Ergonomics
Other categories: 875